Provision Request

A ProvisionRequest contains basic information about a purchase which cannot change.


GET /provision-requests
GET /provision-requests/unfulfilled
GET /provision-requests/{provisionRequestId}


In the event that Pax8 does not receive an acceptable status code or encounters a temporary issue and needs to retry a Provision Notification Webhook, we will send a new webhook.

  • We retry using the same Provision Request ID.

Commitment Terms

If you require partners to agree to a set commitment term when buying a product, you can have that configured in Pax8. For example, if you require partners to buy a full year of service at a time, Pax8 can configure a 12 month commitment term for your products. In this example, any ProvisionRequest for your product would include a commitmentTermInMonths field which would be 12, and a commitmentTermEndDate field, which would contain a date 12 months in the future from the purchase date. These commitment term fields will be omitted if a commitment term has not been configured in Pax8.

Get All Provision Requests

  • Retrieves all Provision Requests
GET /provision-requests
    "page": {
        "size": 10,
        "totalElements": 10,
        "totalPages": 10,
        "number": 1
    "content": [
            "id": "eb77429f-b313-4916-9bed-ccc1c373dff7",
            "partnerId": "2bb54fa0-21ed-481e-8627-26e3ee9e9e02",
            "partnerName": "Example Partner Name",
            "partnerDomain": "",
            "partnerEnrollmentId": "7bb64fa0-21ed-481e-8627-26e3gg9e9e02",
            "partnerAddress": {
                "street": "123 Partner Ave.",
                "street2": "Unit b",
                "city": "Denver",
                "postcode": "80210",
                "country": "US",
                "stateOrProvince": "CO"
            "companyId": "0b4d7ee2-8335-433e-8196-a65b962b9f99",
            "companyName": "Example Company Name",
            "companyDomain": "",
            "companyAddress": {
                "street": "123 Company Ave.",
                "street2": "Unit c",
                "city": "Denver",
                "postcode": "80210",
                "country": "US",
                "stateOrProvince": "CO"
            "productId": "ada2a119-9892-4a91-8bae-b0bb3b0e81a1",
            "productName": "Product ABC",
            "quantity": 1,
            "subscriptionId": "475df9f9-2558-4f91-903b-5130dad67064",
            "type": "NetNew",
            "createdDate": "2024-04-08T19:54:03Z",
            "commitmentTermMonths": 12,
            "commitmentTermEndDate": "2025-04-08T19:54:03Z",
            "billingTerm": "Monthly"

Get All Unfulfilled Provision Requests

  • Retrieves all Unfulfilled Provision Requests
    • An unfulfilled Provision Request is a Provision Request with Provision Attempts that do not have a successful Provision Result associated with it.
GET /provision-requests/unfullfilled
    "page": {
        "size": 10,
        "totalElements": 10,
        "totalPages": 10,
        "number": 1
    "content": [
            "id": "eb77429f-b313-4916-9bed-ccc1c373dff7",
            "partnerId": "2bb54fa0-21ed-481e-8627-26e3ee9e9e02",
            "partnerName": "Example Partner Name",
            "partnerDomain": "",
            "partnerEnrollmentId": "7bb64fa0-21ed-481e-8627-26e3gg9e9e02",
            "partnerAddress": {
                "street": "123 Partner Ave.",
                "street2": "Unit b",
                "city": "Denver",
                "postcode": "80210",
                "country": "US",
                "stateOrProvince": "CO"
            "companyId": "0b4d7ee2-8335-433e-8196-a65b962b9f99",
            "companyName": "Example Company Name",
            "companyDomain": "",
            "companyAddress": {
                "street": "123 Company Ave.",
                "street2": "Unit c",
                "city": "Denver",
                "postcode": "80210",
                "country": "US",
                "stateOrProvince": "CO"
            "productId": "ada2a119-9892-4a91-8bae-b0bb3b0e81a1",
            "productName": "Product ABC",
            "quantity": 1,
            "subscriptionId": "475df9f9-2558-4f91-903b-5130dad67064",
            "type": "NetNew",
            "createdDate": "2024-04-08T19:54:03Z",
            "commitmentTermMonths": 12,
            "commitmentTermEndDate": "2025-04-08T19:54:03Z",
            "billingTerm": "Monthly"

Get One Provision Request

  • Retrieves one Provision Request
GET /provision-requests/{provisionRequestId}
    "id": "eb77429f-b313-4916-9bed-ccc1c373dff7",
    "partnerId": "2bb54fa0-21ed-481e-8627-26e3ee9e9e02",
    "partnerName": "Example Partner Name",
    "partnerDomain": "",
    "partnerEnrollmentId": "7bb64fa0-21ed-481e-8627-26e3gg9e9e02",
    "partnerAddress": {
        "street": "123 Partner Ave.",
        "street2": "Unit b",
        "city": "Denver",
        "postcode": "80210",
        "country": "US",
        "stateOrProvince": "CO"
    "companyId": "0b4d7ee2-8335-433e-8196-a65b962b9f99",
    "companyName": "Example Company Name",
    "companyDomain": "",
    "companyAddress": {
        "street": "123 Company Ave.",
        "street2": "Unit c",
        "city": "Denver",
        "postcode": "80210",
        "country": "US",
        "stateOrProvince": "CO"
    "productId": "ada2a119-9892-4a91-8bae-b0bb3b0e81a1",
    "productName": "Product ABC",
    "quantity": 1,
    "subscriptionId": "475df9f9-2558-4f91-903b-5130dad67064",
    "type": "NetNew",
    "createdDate": "2024-04-08T19:54:03Z",
    "commitmentTermMonths": 12,
    "commitmentTermEndDate": "2025-04-08T19:54:03Z",
    "billingTerm": "Monthly"