Pax8 Glossary

The terms listed below carry specific meaning in the Pax8 ecosphere

  • agent
    A Pax8 partner that is a consultant, recommender, or other intermediary but not directly involved in production as an MSP

  • company
    Any of our partner's customers who are served through the Pax8 platform

  • dependency
    Any components that are required to order a given product

  • endpoint
    A URL designated for use by HTTP requests to the API

  • HTTP request
    A standard HTTP verb used with an API endpoint (URL). It's a function call to the API. ex. GET /products/{productId}

  • MSP
    Managed service provider, the Pax8 partner who directly serves their customers via the Pax8 platform

  • partner
    The MSP or agent whose customers are served via the Pax8 platform

  • product
    A single offering from Pax8 identified by a SKU

  • provisioning
    The process of setting up a product for use by a customer, and configuring it to conform to specifications in the order

  • response codes
    Standard HTTP result that describes the result of a given request to the API

  • resource
    In the context of an API, resource typically synonymous with an API endpoint or group of endpoints

  • subscription
    The subscription object defines the customer's commitment to a service

  • self service
    Refers to a company whose end-users are allowed to access the Portal directly. End-users are not currently permitted API access

  • token
    A character string that gives you access to the API

  • vendor
    Third-party provider of products or services

  • invoice
    A summation of amounts due for products or services

  • invoice item
    A break down of an amount due for a product or service

  • usage summary
    A summation of amounts due for usage based products or services

  • usage line
    A break down of an amount due for a usage based product or service. Tied directly to a usage summary