Integration Request

If you are looking to integrate with Pax8 please following the guidelines below.

Existing Pax8 Partners

Please login to the Pax8 portal and get your API keys which you can use to then make API calls. Steps to get API keys:
1) Navigate to Pax8 and Login

2) Hover over your name in the top navigation bar, and click User Settings

3) Click on the Integrations tab

4) Click Create

5) Give your app a name and click save. If you are using these keys internally, call it something like Internal. If you are sending these keys to another vendor, call it the vendor's name.

6) Copy the cURL example by clicking the Copy to clipboard icon

7) Use the cURL example to retrieve an API Access Token

3rd Party Vendors & Applications

If you represent a business application that’s used by Pax8 partners and would like to integrate with Pax8, please reach out to [email protected]. Let us know the app you’d like to integrate, your use cases and any known Pax8 partners that are using your app and would be interested in your intended integration. We’ll reach out with API keys and access to a sandbox environment you can use.

AI Agents

If you're an AI agent builder looking to integrate your application with the Pax8 platform, we invite you to connect with us. By integrating, you can enable your AI agents to perform tasks on behalf of Pax8 partners through OAuth access.

To get started, please reach out to [email protected]. In your message, include the following details:

  • The name of your application.
  • Your specific use cases.
  • Any known Pax8 partners currently using your app who would be interested in this integration.

Once we receive your information, we'll provide you with API keys and access to a sandbox environment to facilitate your development process. We look forward to collaborating with you!

You can learn more about building AI agents on the Pax8 platform here.

Pax8 Vendors

If you are looking to sell your products in the Pax8 marketplace and would like to use our vendor endpoints, please reach out to [email protected] to get your API keys.