JUMP TOAuthenticationAccess TokenCreate a new Access TokenpostPARTNER ENDPOINTSCompaniesCreate a new CompanypostFetch a paginated list of your companiesgetFetch a single company record by companyIdgetUpdate an existing CompanypatchProductsFetch a paginated list of Pax8 productsgetFetch a product by its productIdgetFetch provisioning details for a specific productgetFetch a list of product dependencies for a specified productgetFetch pricing information for a particular productgetOrdersFetch a paginated list of orders associated with your partnergetCreate a new order for a specified companypostFetch order details by orderIdgetSubscriptionsFetch a paginated list of subscriptionsgetFetch a subscription by subscriptionIdgetUpdate a specified subscriptionputCancel a subscriptiondeleteFetch the history of a subscriptiongetContactsCreate a new ContactpostFetch a paginated list of contactsgetFetch a contactgetUpdate a contactputDelete a contactdeleteInvoicesFetch a paginated list of invoicesgetFetch an invoice by invoiceIdgetFetch a paginated list of items for an invoicegetUsage SummariesFetch a paginated list of usage summariesgetFetch a usage summary by usageSummaryIdgetFetch a paginated list of usage lines for a usage summarygetVendor Provisioning EndpointsProvisioning SimulationsCreate Order EventpostProvision DetailsGet All Provision Details for a Provision RequestgetGet One Provision Detail by Provision Request IDgetGet Latest Provision Detail by Provision Request IDgetProvisionersGet All Webhook Configurations for a ProvisionergetCreate a Webhook ConfigurationpostGet All ProvisionersgetGet One Provisioner by IDgetGet One Webhook for a ProvisionergetGet Latest Webhook for a ProvisionergetProvision AttemptsGet All Provision Attempts for a Provision RequestgetCreate Provision Attempt for a Provision Request and Provision DetailpostGet Provision Attempt by IDgetGet Latest Provision Attempt for a Provision RequestgetProvision ResultsGet All Provision Results for a Provision RequestgetCreate Provision ResultpostGet One Provision ResultgetGet Latest Provision Result for an OrdergetProvision RequestsGet All Provision RequestsgetGet One Provision RequestgetGet All Unfulfilled Provision RequestsgetVendor Usage EndpointsUsage LinesGet Usage LinesgetSave Usage LinespostFetch a single company record by companyIdget https://api.pax8.com/v1/companies/{companyId}Returns a single company record matching the companyId you specify